Monday, August 11, 2008

What a Monday!

I want to say that I don't usually like MONDAYS and today was NO different! LOL The day started with me having to visit Dr. Eads for my yearly (you know what I mean). Yes, it was time to check down below :) and some up above too :) We chatted and he did his thing...and asked me if I do breast exams..well NOOOO I do NOT! Frankly, I am not sure what to actually i press down, rub in circular motions? I dunno! I feel totally uncomforable with that. LOL And I told him that so he proceeds to SHOW me how to do it by taking my hand and guiding it. OMG! OKKKK i got it..will never say that I don't again that's for sure. LOL He says everything is great (since the removal of my uterus last year..and my bladder lift)..Yah I am barely 34 and have gone through that!!

As I arrive home from that visit, Scott is packing and getting ready to go to work (for a week or more?) ahhhhhh!!! I hate when he leaves for such a long time! So I follow him around like a gnat while he is gathering his things...just talking my head off about my doc visit. LOL The kids are going nuts, as usual...After he leaves, I get absorbed with my emails and the fact that Halloween costumes are already selling...or I am just getting early emails for them..I i keep looking for probably WAY too long on what to dress everyone for Halloween. While I am doing this..I am multitasking with the boys while they make dinosaurs with playdough and modeling clay...Ryan gets so frustrated because his always breaks and he wants to be just like his 'bubba' that he becomes so angry...He actually took Noah's one and crushed it. LOL He is a pepper for sure! I took a picture of Noah's dinosaur..I was really cute and artistic! He was so proud of it :)

SO I was thinking that I want to be DEEdee from the Doodlebops for Halloween! but I cannot for the life of me find an Adult costume! Don't they think parents like to dress up with their kids? Noah wants to be Indiana Jones and I don't know about Ryan or even if I will dress up..I always am soooo into wanting to dress up, but rarely do. If anyone knows of some ideas, especially about the deedee costume..PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

At about 2:00 I realize that I have NOT eaten at all today! Guess I was making up for eating like a HOG last week (well on 3 days, anyway) I eat and try to continue watching a movie from about 2 days ago! LOL You must know that Ryan was napping at this time too...crazy lil guy fell asleep for a nap which is really RARE these days..When he awoke, He was NOT really happy...I think it is because he realized that he had fallen asleep. before I know it, It is time for Noah's TaeKwonDo lesson!! TODAY WAS NOAH'S FIRST DAY DOING THAT. He was nervous. I thought this was so funny that before we left the house he asked me " So Mom, What belt am I?" IS HE JOKING? NOOOO he isn't. He has NOT even started yet but he wants to know his belt color. hahahaha. OMG!!! I guessed WHITE and I was correct. LOL

Noah does great at his lesson and I totally enjoyed watching him..For some reason I felt a little choked up when I was watching him...I had to hold back tears..I wonder why that is? I guess maybe I was so happy to see him doing physical activity instead of Video and computer games and TV! blah! I really liked the intsructors too. Ryan seemed bored though...he was whiney and kept asking for water! He did try to practice some punching moves just by watching what was being done...that was cute! WISH I could have gotten that on film, but I left my blackberry at home by accident..I felt naked without it. LOL

And I guess I win horrible mother for the day reward because I washed his uniform before taking a picture of him in it :( I will tomorrow though...
Tomorrow is a busy day for us again...
Night Night everyone!

1 comment: said...

I started shopping for costumes too and was telling Caleb we should all be the backyardigans for Halloween (since Ryan wants to be Uniqua) but same thing no grownup costumes, what's up with that ?! Just make your own costume LOL
Go Noah!