Friday, August 15, 2008


Today is the day (and tomorrow) that we get to buy things free of tax..I do not know if it is all things or what, but I do know that it is school uniforms..which is precisely why I waited til today. I don't think I will ever wait this long again though to get his school uniforms because they were SOLD OUT of the Shirts for his School! Ahhhhhh! They told me it would be 2-3 weeks before I get them..Poor Noah is going to have to wear his last year shirts (they are NOT totally small but almost there). I did manage to get his shorts though.

We were stuck in the vehicle today because it was POURING outside...NO way I was running for we sat and waited which was NOT very long til the sun came out again...just as if it had never rained. Ryan was trying to unbuckle the seatbelt attached to his carseat and Noah was stopping him..He wasn't very happy about it.

Since I was snapping pictures, Noah decided to be 'funny'

After getting inside the house, Ryan ran after Noah outside (Noah was taking out the trash..such a good boy) and Ryan fell into the bushes and came inside crying FULL Of that black mud-mulch! OMG! I put him in the tub and rinsed him off and he did manage to get a booboo so we cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. HE LOVES bandaids! I always catch him digging in the cabinet under the bathroom sink trying to put one on an imaginary booboo! But today he gets to wear one for a real booboo! awwww!

The rest of the day wasn't that great...I happened to see a bug in the bathroom and freaked out...I was calling the pest control AGAIN.. I have talked to them the most this week, it seems....I am still waiting for the bug man as I type this...Yah I saved the bug so he could identify WTH is going on! Blah!

Tomorrow I plan to take a ride to THE CONTAINER STORE to get some organizing stuff. I am totally sick of the clutter in my closet and other areas! I will take some pics so you can see the mess fun! Hey hopefully it is tax free! we shall see.........

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