Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Times: It's Double Dave's

Today is the day of the week that I EAT so that means the family eats too :)
So we ALWAYS start the day off by going to church. I just love going to church...I feel calm, loving, just generally nice...BUT it is quite a challenge with Ryan in church. Today I brought the boys alone (Scott was working) and I had positive thoughts that I will NOT sweat, get angry, etc at Ryan being so crazy. LOL

Me on the way to church

So, After we leave church, Noah says that he wants to go eat somewhere, Possibly Mexican and to be more exact, Chuy's! LOL I tell him that I really did not plan to EAT like that today since I think that I actually ate 3 times in a week! OMG!!! I will never lose weight like this! So I start feeling guilty because they know that we usually go eat somewhere after church...a little outing if you will...sooooo I say OK, What about pizza? We can go go Double Dave's Pizza which is YUMMY YUM YUM! So they AGREE and jump in place.

We go there and get buffet. There is no all meats pizza available so I ask them to make one..they tell me it will be 5 one of the workers actually comes to the table to tell me that it is ready. I go get 2 pieces and Noah takes one...I go back to get more after I eat that and guess what? NO MORE LEFT OF the ALL MEAT! ahhhh! So i kindly ask them to make another one since i only had one piece and someone ate all of it up. LOL Sooo they make one and then bring me a plate to the table with 3 pieces on it!! LOL that was very nice! This was the first time that Ryan ate an all meat Pizza!


They then progressed to eating the Chocolate chip pizza! I will say that I did have one piece of that....I usually have 3 or more. LOL BUT I was stuffed and did NOT want to overdo it since I really did not want to eat that stuff today to begin with...

Noah's Choco Pizza


Chocolate Chip Pizza is soooo much fun! LOL

I had alot more pictures but My wonderful Blackberry did something..IT deleted everything for some reason :( wahhhhh! I wanted to DIE! I had thankfully transferred some of them to my computer before that happened. BUT i lost alot of pictures from previous days also and my RINGTONES. OMG!!! I don't know what happened..Scott formatted my SD card in there and guess what? POOF everything was gone...I am begining to get worried about my blackberry :(

So Every Sunday I will HOPEFULLY have a yummy review of where we went with pictures to follow. LOL

The review on Double Dave' Pizza on Rayford Road, The Woodlands, TeXaS is
Quality: Awesome
Service: Outstanding
Cleanliness: Good
STAR rating: 1-5 (with 1 being BLAH, YUCK and 5 being LOVED it, would go back)
5 Stars

Please remember (if you do read this) that You may see some repeats and that is due to ME Only getting to 'eat' once a week and I like what i like. LOL It is usually Mexican, Wings, or Steak :)

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