Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Towering Pegs, Oh My!

Time for Toddler Chat.
Ryan LOVES these pegs that I purchased for him. I also purchased a yellow board on which to put them on. They also came with string so that you can string them through the pegs and so on. I have not given him the strings yet. HE had a blast putting the pegs on that board, but he liked putting them on top of each other to possibly build something really tall? :) Notice that Yes his hair is wet because he got into my Moisturizer and put it in his hair, while I was washing my hair...He gets into everything! ahhhhhhhhh!

So proud of it

Reaching HIGH

He stepped on his step-stool to get higher. LOL

then he took it off of the board and things he can use it to Wack things..uhh..NOT good! He thinks it is a sword now..Boys!

And this is how proud he was of his creation

Update on Stool issues: Ryan is doing better. He went on his own yesterday afternoon without doing his potty dance...Praying that he keeps this up. He also told me that his butt was all better. LOL So he is continuing on his Miralax daily but does not need the Milk of Magnaseia anymore...I was so tired of chasing him down to give him that stuff. Is it really that bad? I never tasted it. Now it has gotten to every time he poops, he gets a 'treat'! I don't usually give him any this is hard to have to do. I ordered a potty today in hopes of one day potty training him..but for now I am satisfied if he poops in his diaper and does NOT hold it in!

Tonight is parent night at Noah's school...HOPE that all goes well.

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