Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Is on it's way to our town. We moved from a Hurricane Capital (Louisiana) to what we thought would be pretty safe...Well, This time we may not be. This is the first time that we stay 'home' for a hurricane. We have stayed for small Cat ONE or Tropical Systems when we were living in Houma...we were all boarded up and just waiting for what seemed like an eternity during the nights...Sometimes we never lost power while other times we listened to the winds howling through our Hurricane boards on our windows. I also remember on one occasion that one of our windows cracked in our house. But that's about it! And Yes I was in LA for Katrina, but we were Not affected too much plus we evacuated to Arkansas.

But today was a Hurricane Prep day for me. I nervously brought Noah to school and came home to monitor the storm on the internet from any site that I could find. I also heard on the radio that Houston was comparing this storm to Hurricane Carla. Well not being from Texas, I had no idea what that what did I do? I googled it! And wow! what I read was not very encouraging. One thing I though was a little crazy is that Hurr Carla made landfall below Galveston on Sept but in 1961! I was NOT even close to being born yet. LOL After checking that out, I headed out to Target with a list of supplies that my Mom told me to get (she is back in Lafourche parish in LA..still with NO power from Gustav)...Well, I didn't have that much luck. NO flashlights, NO lanterns, Hardly any food...and this was the trend to every store in which I called and actually went to. I guess I was too late. We are NOT boarded up. I actually have not seen anyone boarded up here. Apparently they only do that on the coast?! I dunno! I have NO idea how a storm will impact this area as I have not been here for very long and most people I ask have not really been through any bad alot of people are just thinking it is just a bad storm...Well, I don't know what to think...

But I can tell you that I am worried. I don't want to be without power with 2 small children and this Texas heat is HOTTTTTTT! The newscasters say the winds will begin tomorrow afternoon around 1 o'clock. I have tried to be prepared the most that I can, I guess. Dh says he has a generator and even a a-c window unit to run periodically...Hopefully if we lose power that we can save our fridge and freezer stuff. I think it will be a little scary tomorrow evening since it is supposed to make landfall around 2 am...and this time, NO boards to keep the scary wind out...I am wondering what it will be like...I just love how the weather channel tries to scare us though by saying, " it will come in like a thief in the night" GEEZZZZ thanks for saying that!! that makes me feel so much better...Wouldn't you have felt better by hearing that?

I may write tomorrow if we still have power and we'll see how much more nervous that I will be then..As for tonight...I am washing clothes...Just in case!

Please Pray for us...........

1 comment: said...

Praying for ya :) Should of moved to AZ :) Hope everything turns out OK!