Wednesday, December 17, 2008

OH Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

We never thought you would be decorated this year! Well there is about 10 days that our tree has been decorated. I never thought we would get it done this year. We were not home when we usually would put it up and then on the following weekend I was sooo sick. The boys and I actually put it up and I think we did a pretty darn good job.
The first ornament that Ryan put on the tree was the Polar bear. He loved that one. Noah put the T-rex on the tree, and I put a cute shiny fish. LOL WE don't really have a Theme for our tree, we just put on whatever we's a kid tree, you know.
We had a blast with the Christmas music. Ryan loved dancing around the tree. His fav song was "Papa Noel" funny.
Here is Ryan dancing.

This is the second year that we use a fake tree...I have to say that it was awesome not putting the lights on the tree.

After the tree was decorated, Ryan was sad that it was all over.

They did have a blast posing in front of the tree though :)

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