Thursday, November 13, 2008

One is a Feast for Me!!

That sure was True today! I brought Ryan to Barnes and Noble 'story time'...which is every week, actually 2 times a week. I think it is just so SUPER cool because they give the children Milk and Cookies...fresh baked! YUMMMMO! and Ms. Sam who does the readings is so super NICE! She reads about 4 or more books and also does a craft with the kids!! She is OUTSTANDING! Today the last book that she read was "One is a Feast for Mouse". This was such a CUTE Thanksgiving book to read. She was extremely animated. The craft afterwards was based on the book..she was super excited to watch the children do them. WE (the mommies) had to cut out the stuff and help with the gluing. It was like a mini-book for them. Ryan loved it but I think his favorite part was eating the cookies, drinking the milk, and playing with the scissors. LOL HE refused to turn his whole body to Ms. Sam while she was reading the books...because I was behind him...sooo attached to me. ahhhhhhhhh! So when we got home he took a picture with his Work of ART (with his New Christmas Hat...could not be coerced to taking it

Upon leaving Barnes and Noble, I happened to see a Magazine with EDWARD CULLEN or whoever his REAL name is? LOL from Twilight..O-M-G!! I Had to get it!!! I am badly addicted to everything and anything Twilight or Edward Cullen. Is there a support group for this? I hope so! I'm soooo far in that I happened to see an old Red truck today and thought of Bella!!! HELP! Also, I managed to snag a companion book for the movie and Noah's bookfair at his school. LOL They were also selling Twilight and I felt a little nuts hearing the TEENS talk about it. LOL Gosh I am freakin 34 years old...but I surely KNOW for a FACT that I am not the only adult that feels this way..........about Edward. ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

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